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Kenny Kruis: the driving force behind safe and efficient logistics

At Akomar, everything revolves around reliability, speed, and personal contact. Kenny Kruis, who has been working at the company for four years now, is a perfect example of these core values. As a specialist in chemical logistics, he ensures that both hazardous and non-hazardous chemicals are transported safely and efficiently. In this interview, Kenny talks about his role, the challenges he faces, and what it’s like to work at Akomar.

“I’ve been working at Akomar for just four years now. My job mainly involves shipping hazardous and non-hazardous chemicals, whether in containers or on pallets. Every day brings new challenges, from creating dossiers in our system to booking with shipping companies and planning transports.”

Safety is central to Kenny’s work. “Inspecting hazardous goods is essential in my field,” he explains. “If something is wrong and you send the wrong information to the shipping company, there can be heavy penalties. So we always stay very sharp.”

The logistics sector is constantly changing, and Kenny keeps a close eye on these developments. “When it comes to rates, I always try to stay sharp. I’m constantly searching for a balance between costs and reliability. Additionally, we regularly negotiate with shipping companies to get better rates.”

Personal contact as the key to success
At Akomar, personal contact is key. “The funny thing is, I’ve never met any of our customers in person,” Kenny says with a laugh. The customers from his department are mostly based in America, Malaysia, India, or Portugal. “But despite the distance, we stay in good contact via email.”

According to Kenny, this is also what sets Akomar apart from other logistics companies. “At larger organizations, you often have to wait a long time for a response, or you have to go through a complicated menu when you call. With us, it’s different. When I receive an email, I pick it up right away. Within a few minutes, it’s handled or answered. That’s very important to me and something we take seriously at Akomar.”

A close-knit workplace
Within Akomar’s team, a lot of attention is given to collaboration. “We work very closely here,” Kenny explains. “Even though we’re currently working with just three people, everything runs smoothly. We have clear roles, and everyone knows what’s expected of them.”

Kenny describes Akomar as a workplace in a few simple words: “great.” The atmosphere is positive from the moment you walk in. “At the coffee machine, we ask how the weekend was, and on the way up, you continue the conversation. It’s just fun to work here. Some colleagues have been here for over twenty years, and that says something about the company.”

From hospitality to logistics: a conscious choice
Kenny’s path to Akomar took an interesting detour, but his family’s ties to the company have been there since his youth. “Akomar has always been a big part of our lives,” Kenny says. "Still, I never thought I would end up working in logistics. I always worked in hospitality and dreamed of opening my own restaurant. At some point, I decided to change course. I asked my father, Arjan, if I could start working at Akomar, to which he replied: ‘Why don’t you first see if you even like office work.’ It was a big change, but I eventually ended up at Akomar, and I enjoy the challenge and the contact with customers."

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